Instructions For When You Arrive

Please print this so you don’t forget anything

Door Lock Code will be given to you once you complete the “Check in” email 2 weeks prior to your stay. Please check your email filters if you do not find these emails. If you do not have this code you must contact us before you arrive at the pass.

To Locate the cabins either go to the “map” page on our web site, or Google Search Addie S Cabin. The Addie S is about 9 miles North of Silverton, 14 miles south of Ouray, 1 mile south of the pass, on the Silverton side of the pass.

You will be "checking yourself in" there is no one at the cabin to "check you in".  Make sure you read through these instructions and understand them before you leave for the pass. There is no phone or cell service at the pass so if you have questions about the directions please let us know before you leave.  You might want to write the lock combination down several places once you get it, in case you loose or misplace it.

IF WHEN YOU ARRIVE YOU FIND DAMAGE, OR ANY CLEANING THAT WASN’T DONE, YOU MUST TAKE PICTURES AND NOTIFY US ASAP. Please text us or leave a voice mail. If it is minor and you can take care of it then no worry. Otherwise you will be responsible for this and might be charged.

Please pay attention to your power usage at the cabin. we have experienced some brown outs. This occurs when people have used a lot of power and then there are cloudy days and the solar system can’t catch up. Most importantly turn off lights that aren’t being used. You shouldn’t have to use lights during the daytime. Make sure that  lights upstairs are not being left on. You must go around and check especially if you have children with you. 

NO hair dryers, NO curling irons, NO coffeepots, NO electric cooking appliances, NO fans, No appliances you bring with you, or other heating elements, they use too much power! If you run the batteries down you might not run out of power, but the next people staying will, especially if the weather is cloudy.  Please be considerate of others staying after you and CONSERVE power always. Don’t leave battery chargers etc, you might bring plugged in, many of these draw power even when not in use. Small battery chargers laptops phones are ok to use. CPAP machines can be used however please be aware that if you have other chronic respiratory problems you probably should not stay here.

Double check to see that you do not leave the Barbecue gas on. This results in empty propane tanks. It helps if you turn the propane tank off, each time you use it.

Check in is 2 pm / Check out is 11 am unless otherwise arranged.

WARNING: if you smell propane on arrival DO NOT light anything until you have checked to see if there is a leak somewhere. It is "normal" to have some "exhaust" smell near the refrigerator and stove at times

Find the main power panel, between the kitchen and the dinning table..

Turn the MAIN power breaker ON. Turn the water pump on at the (light switch labeled water pump)

If it is cold start a fire right away, it will take a while to warm the cabin.

You should only have to clean the wood stove out if there is a lot of ash built up. Most ash will burn up so please just leave the ash in the stove and light a fire. Only empty the ash if it is COLD white powder!

Check the Temperature in the refrigerator to see that it is cold. It might read that it is freezing (do not adjust at this time). As long as it is cold do not adjust. Once food is put in it will warm up, adjust slowly after a few hours. It will freeze all of your food if you adjust too fast or too much. It can take 8+ hours to adjust, keep door shut as much as possible. It will not stay cold if the door is opened too frequently.


  • Expect snow

  • You might have to dig a parking place. Do not leave your vehicle on the shoulder of the highway it might be ticketed or towed. Make sure you are parked far enough off the road that you are not in the way of plows.

  • Do not walk near the roof if there is any snow on it (it could kill you).

  • There is a large sled inside for pulling equipment to the cabin. Do NOT leave this sled outside while you are there. It can become buried blown away and lost.

  • There are shovels inside the cabin. Or you might want to carry one in your car. Please be sure DO NOT to leave them outside, or at the turnout.

  • The land line phone at the cabin is 970-387-5612, You may give this to anyone that might need to contact you.  This phone line is LOCAL only you will need a calling card or call collect to call out .  You may use this line to call 911 in an emergency.

  • If something at the cabin needs immediate attention or you have questions, please call and/or TEXT David at 970-260-2101

  • There is Starlink WiFi at the cabin. It takes continuos power and so it is on a timer. It can take several minutes to connect, directions are by the timer. Check your phone settings if you want to make WiFi calls.



If you do not do everything on this list you might have your damage deposit held or forfeited

  • Clean everything that was touched

  • Clean bathroom, mirror sink and shower

  • Clean kitchen, ALL grease that might have splattered, stove counters backsplash and windows.

  • Clean tables

  • Clean refrigerator inside and out, all spills, do not defrost.

  • Put everything back to where you found it

  • Sweep floor

  • Clean the stove and the kitchen area especially well, ALL grease that might have splattered, stove counters backsplash and windows.

  • Clean the out house and the toilet. Please clean the seat and the riser inside and out. To clean the inside pour a small amount of hot  water onto soiled areas then wipe with toilet paper only. This isn’t a pleasant job but not that bad either. Please do unto others, as you would like them to do for you. Clean all snow and dirt from floor.

  • Clean the barbecue if you have used it.

  • Check that all lights are turned OFF.

  • Check to see that all the windows are closed and locked.

  • Shovel both front and back decks. DO NOT use the metal shovel to chip ice,  DO NOT chip ice, let it melt on a warm day, put salt on ice spots. The deck is plastic and will easily be damaged with aggressive shoveling.

  • Bring firewood inside to replace what you used.

  • Turn main power breaker OFF.

  • Turn the water pump OFF.

  • Do not clean ashes out of the wood stove unless COLD. They are probably still hot. Please leave in stove for next party.  Only empty completely burned COLD ash (white powder). Leave charcoal in the stove to burn

  • Make sure the cooking stove is off. Check the oven!

  • Turn the barbecue gas off at the propane bottle

  • Bring the HAULING SLED and ALL SHOVELS back inside cabin.

  • Take everything you brought with you.

  • Do not leave any extra food, check refrigerator

  • Take all your trash with you.

  • Lock the back door from the inside. Then lock the padlock as you leave.